DDPlus 7.1
DDPlus is a series of Pascal units that make up the DoorKit, which runs under Turbo Pascal. It comes from DoorDriver, which Scott Baker put together along with Derrick Parkhurst. Steven Lorenz added to the kit, enhancing it as it went from DoorDriver to DDPlus. Bob Dalton helped extend the documentation.
Skeleton Example for DDPlus 7.1
A skeleton example that creates a new player, loads player, saves game, and has maintenance routines to show how DDPlus 7.1 works.
Turbo Pascal 7.0
Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 is a Pascal compiler along with IDE. It was designed to run in DOS but will also work in 16-bit environments. This was a lower-priced product compared to the professional version of Borland Pascal when it was released.
Turbo Pascal Patch
A patch was written for the compiler. It updates an error in the executable that stopped any application from running under fast processors. It has to do with Pascal - Run Time Error 200. If a program uses the CRT library, it can throw this error.
Turbo Pascal 7.0 Reference Manual
The programmer's reference manual written by Borland. It contains all the library procedures, compiler directives, error messages, and command-line options for Turbo Pascal. It also includes an editor reference that shows the quick commands for the Turbo Pascal editor and is OCR Scanned so it can be searched.
Virtual Box
VirtualBox is Oracle's virtual machine. It allows you to emulate several operating systems and runs under Windows, Linux, and Mac. If you're running it under Microsoft, Windows Pro is needed to enable the virtual machine.
Windows XP
Windows XP has NTVDM installed and will run 16-bit DOS and Windows applications. It gives a GUI environment to work in instead of DOS, making it easy to jump around programs while developing. The key is on the webpage.
Moebius is an ANSI/ASCII art editor for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It's easy to use and will help create artwork needed for a game.
SyncTerm is a terminal program put out by Synchronet. It opens to a phonebook where you can store all the BBSs you visit. It is quick to set up and easy to use.
DOSBox is a DOS emulator that allows for quick mapping of the test folder. It helps speed up the testing process.